Sunday, August 17, 2014

GSOC 2014 - final summary

To recap - this years GSoC was a complete success: We successfully rewrote TARDIS's Monte Carlo routines in C, thus gaining approximately a 25% performance increase. Furthermore the core routines were significantly restructured, using good structured programming principles as opposed to the wall of code it was before. Hopefully this will increase maintainability and simplify both future debugging and profiling. This was not an insignificant job since the original Cython code was well over a thousand lines. A lot of effort has gone in breaking up the code in to it's logical parts and assembling relevant data in to structures. In the process not only have I further developed my C and Cython programming skills but also learned about TARDIS, it's inner workings and the physics behind it. Hopefully my efforts will benefit anyone working with it in the future.