Sunday, July 13, 2014

Two Weeks in to the Second Half of GSoC

Since the bulk of the work is finished now I concentrated mainly on the boring, long and tedious bits. Enforcing structured programming and object-oriented techniques like encapsulation are some of the things I was doing. Also there are plans to start integrating the changes in to the main code base and help people implement their physics in to the new infrastructure. One interesting issue I currently have and was weirded out by is this:

I have this code in my fork:
  if (x_insert > x[imin] || x_insert < x[imax])
      // Crashes without this exit, this doesn't make sense.
This logical branch never gets executed unless something goes terribly wrong. I checked that this branch is never run with the data I use. However, for some reason, if I comment out the exit(1) line the program crashes. It would be very interesting if someone was able to shed some light here or at least give a lead. Other than that I cannot pin point any road blocks. Except maybe that due to the tedious nature of current tasks (mostly maintenance and code improvement with no noticeable immediate practical effect) the enthusiasm is winding down quite a bit.

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